# 6 Logistics

# 1 Logistics

# 1.1 Freight Calculation (POST)

Freight calculation. Bulk purchase products will have designated shipping methods, while dropshipping products will usually have more options.




curl --location --request POST 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/logistic/freightCalculate' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
                --data-raw '{
                    "startCountryCode": "US",
                    "endCountryCode": "US",
                    "products": [
                            "quantity": 2,
                            "vid": "439FC05B-1311-4349-87FA-1E1EF942C418"
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
startCountryCode Country of origin string yes 200
endCountryCode Country of destination string yes 200
zip zip string no 200
taxId tax id string no 200
houseNumber house number string no 200
iossNumber ioss number string no 200
quantity Quantity int Yes 10
vid Variant id string Yes 200

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "logisticAging": "2-5",
            "logisticPrice": 4.71,
            "logisticPriceCn": 30.54,
            "logisticName": "USPS+"
    "requestId": "0242ad78-eea2-481d-876a-7cf64398f07f"
Field Definition Type Length Note
logisticPrice Shipping cost in USD BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
logisticPriceCn Shipping cost in CNY BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: ¥ (CNY)
logisticAging Shipping time string 20
logisticName Carrier name string 20
taxesFee taxes fee BigDecimal (18, 2) Unit:$(USD)
clearanceOperationFee customs clearance fee BigDecimal (18, 2) Unit:$(USD)
totalPostageFee total postage BigDecimal (18, 2) Unit:$(USD)


    "code": 1600100, 
    "result": false,
    "message": "Param error",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 1.2 Freight Calculation Tip(POST)

Freight calculation. Bulk purchase products will have designated shipping methods, while dropshipping products will usually have more options.




curl --location --request POST 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/logistic/freightCalculateTip' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --header 'CJ-Access-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
                --data-raw '{
                    "reqDTOS": [
                            "srcAreaCode": "CN",
                            "destAreaCode": "US",
                            "length": 0.3,
                            "width": 0.4,
                            "height": 0.5,
                            "volume": 0.06,
                            "productProp": [
                            "freightTrialSkuList": [
                                    "skuQuantity": 1,
                                    "sku": "CJCF104237201AZ"
                            "skuList": [
                            "platforms": [
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
srcAreaCode Country of origin string no 200
destAreaCode Country of destination string no 200
customerCode customer code string no 200
zip zip string no 200
houseNumber house number string no 100
iossNumber ioss number string no 200
storageIdList storage id string no 100
recipientAddress recipient address string no 200
city city string no 50
recipientName recipient name String no 200
skuList sku list String[] no 200
town town String no 100
phone phone String no 50
wrapWeight wrap weight int no 200
station station String no 200
platforms platform String[] no 200
dutyNo dutyNo String no 200
email email String no 100
province province String no 100
recipientAddress1 recipient address1 String no 200
uid uid String no 200
recipientId recipient id String no 200
recipientAddress2 recipient address2 String no 200
amount amount BigDecimal no 50
productTypes product type String[] no 100
weight weight int no 100
productProp product prop String no 100
optionName option name String no 200
volumeWeight volume weight BigDecimal no 100
orderType order type String no 100
totalGoodsAmount total value of goods BigDecimal no 100
freightTrialSkuList freight trial sku list Object[]
productCode product code String no 100
sku sku String no 100
productPropList Product attributes String no 100
productTypeList product type (0: normal goods, 1: service goods, 3: packaged goods, 4: supplier goods, 5: supplier self-delivered goods, 6: virtual goods, 7: pod personalized goods) String[] no 100
vid variant id String no 100
skuQuantity sku quantity int no 50
skuWeight sku weight BigDecimal no 100
skuVolume sku volume BigDecimal no 100
combinationType combination type int no 50
parentVid parent variant id String no 50
unsalable unsalable int no 10
tailCostQuantity tail cost quantity int no 10
privateDeductionQuantity private Ddeduction quantity int no 10

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "arrivalTime": "12-50",
            "discountFee": 4.09,
            "discountFeeCNY": 25.30,
            "volumeWeight": null,
            "option": {
                "arrivalTime": "12-50",
                "cnName": "CJ航空挂号小包",
                "enName": "CJPacket Postal",
                "id": "1564849338719199233"
            "ruleTips": [
                    "expression": "^[\\s\\d\\-()()+]{6,32}$",
                    "interceptType": "0",
                    "max": null,
                    "min": null,
                    "msgCode": "1001",
                    "msgEn": "Must be a 6-32 digit number (only numbers, symbols and spaces are supported).",
                    "type": "phone"
            "ruleTipTypes": [
            "channelId": "1564543005939785730",
            "error": "",
            "errorEn": "",
            "optionId": "1564849338719199233",
            "postage": 3.55,
            "postageCNY": 22.00,
            "priceIncreases": "115",
            "reSort": "62",
            "remoteFee": 0,
            "remoteFeeCNY": 0,
            "tip": "",
            "uid": "",
            "orderId": null,
            "unWeightChargeTarget": null,
            "floatMaxPrice": null,
            "floatMinPrice": null,
            "logisticsParamRespDTO": null,
            "message": "Hi, CJ will not accept any disputes when you choose the shipping method, which is not trackable when orders arrived at some countries, states, or cities.",
            "wrapPostage": 4.09,
            "wrapPostageCNY": 25.30,
            "wrapWeight": 0,
            "stopWords": [],
            "channel": {
                "cnName": "促佳燕文航空挂号小包特货",
                "enName": "燕文航空挂号小包特货",
                "id": "1564543005939785730"
            "cjRespDTO": {
                "postage": "3.55",
                "postageCNY": "22.00",
                "remoteFee": "0.00",
                "remoteFeeCNY": "0"
            "destArea": {
                "cnName": "美国",
                "countryId": "233",
                "enName": "United States of America (the)",
                "id": "233",
                "parentId": null,
                "postCode": "",
                "shortCode": "US"
            "srcArea": {
                "cnName": "中国",
                "countryId": "48",
                "enName": "China",
                "id": "48",
                "parentId": null,
                "postCode": "",
                "shortCode": "CN"
            "dump": false,
            "zonePrice": [],
            "allRuleTips": [
                    "expression": "^[\\s\\d\\-()()+]{6,32}$",
                    "interceptType": "0",
                    "max": null,
                    "min": null,
                    "msgCode": "1001",
                    "msgEn": "Must be a 6-32 digit number (only numbers, symbols and spaces are supported).",
                    "type": "phone"
            "taxesFee": null,
            "clearanceOperationFee": null
    "requestId": "55c4708d15d44a499f061582ddbd989b",
    "success": true
Field Definition Type Length Note
arrivalTime arrival time string 200
discountFee discount Fee BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
discountFeeCNY discount Fee CNY BigDecimal (18,2)
volumeWeight volume weight BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
channelId channel id String 200
error error String 200
errorEn errorEn String 200
optionId option id String 100
postage postage BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
postageCNY postage CNY BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
priceIncreases price increases String 100
reSort reSort String 100
remoteFee remoteFee BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
remoteFeeCNY remoteFee CNY BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
tip tip string 200
uid uid String 200
orderId order id String 100
unWeightChargeTarget unWeightChargeTarget BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
floatMaxPrice floatMaxPrice BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
floatMinPrice floatMinPrice BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
logisticsParamRespDTO logisticsParamRespDTO String 200
message message String 200
wrapPostage wrap postage BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
wrapPostageCNY wrap postage CNY BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
wrapWeight wrap weight BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
stopWords stop Words String 200
channel channel Object
cnName name(CN) String 200
enName name(EN) String 200
id id String 200
option option Object
arrivalTime arrival time String 100
cnName name(CN) String 100
enName name(EN) String 100
id id String 100
taxesFee taxes fee BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
clearanceOperationFee customs clearance fee BigDecimal (18,2) Unit: $ (USD)
totalPostageFee total postage BigDecimal (18, 2) Unit:$(USD)
allRuleTips all rule tips String 200


    "code": 1600100, 
    "result": false,
    "message": "Param error",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1"
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 2 Tracking Number

# 2.1 Get Tracking Information (GET) Deprecated

Shipping information can be found upon tracking numbers. You can also visit CJ Logistic Platform (opens new window)

Has deprecated on June 1, 2024, Please use the new api Get Tracking Information




curl --location --request GET 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/logistic/getTrackInfo?trackNumber=CJPKL7160102171YQ
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
trackNumber trackNumber string Yes 200 batch query

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "trackingNumber": "CJPKL7160102171YQ",
            "logisticName": "CJPacket Sensitive",
            "trackingFrom": "CN",
            "trackingTo": "US",
            "deliveryDay": "13",
            "deliveryTime": "2021-06-17 07:04:04",
            "trackingStatus": "In transit",
            "lastMileCarrier": "CJPacket",
            "lastTrackNumber": "926112903032124"
    "requestId": "3426e927-8c50-4687-9ced-623e77d55bd0"
Field Definition Type Length Note
trackingNumber tracking number string 200
trackingFrom from string 20
trackingTo to string 20
deliveryDay Delivery day string 200
deliveryTime Delivery time string 200
trackingStatus tracking status string 200
lastMileCarrier last mile carrier string 200
lastTrackNumber last mile tracking number string 200


    "code": 1600100,
    "result": false,
    "message": "Param error",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1" 
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors

# 2.2 Get Tracking Information (GET)

Shipping information can be found upon tracking numbers. You can also visit CJ Logistic Platform (opens new window)




curl --location --request GET 'https://developers.cjdropshipping.com/api2.0/v1/logistic/trackInfo?trackNumber=CJPKL7160102171YQ
Parameter Definition Type Required Length Note
trackNumber trackNumber string Yes 200 batch query

# Return


    "code": 200,
    "result": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "trackingNumber": "CJPKL7160102171YQ",
            "logisticName": "CJPacket Sensitive",
            "trackingFrom": "CN",
            "trackingTo": "US",
            "deliveryDay": "13",
            "deliveryTime": "2021-06-17 07:04:04",
            "trackingStatus": "In transit",
            "lastMileCarrier": "CJPacket",
            "lastTrackNumber": "926112903032124"
    "requestId": "3426e927-8c50-4687-9ced-623e77d55bd0"
Field Definition Type Length Note
trackingNumber tracking number string 200
trackingFrom from string 20
trackingTo to string 20
deliveryDay Delivery day string 200
deliveryTime Delivery time string 200
trackingStatus tracking status string 200
lastMileCarrier last mile carrier string 200
lastTrackNumber last mile tracking number string 200


    "code": 1600100,
    "result": false,
    "message": "Param error",
    "data": null,
    "requestId": "323fda9d-3c94-41dc-a944-5cc1b8baf5b1" 
Field Definition Type Length Note
code error code int 20 Reference error code
result Whether or not the return is normal boolean 1
message return message string 200
data return data object interface data return
requestId requestId string 48 Flag request for logging errors